Mill Creek Vet provides both cat and dog neutering services so as to control the reproduction and also manage the pet’s health better. Medically, neutering is a veterinary procedure where the reproductive organs of the male as well as female pets are surgically removed. Our experienced vet team performs neutering with highest regard to the pet’s future health. The process is designed in such a way so that it doesn’t harm the pet’s general lifestyle.
There are various advantages of getting your dog neutered after a certain age. The neutering effects on the dogs can be noticed soon after the process. The behaviour changes in the dog are for the good. They become more calm and predictable thus making them an ideal family pet. The aggressive attitude along with redundant sexual behavior, constant barking and mounting decrease drastically through neutering.
It is a fact that neutered dogs are much less likely to stray, run from the home in pursuit of a partner or even refrain from marking territories regularly. Male dogs that are desperate to make an escape, calm down after the procedure.
In neutering, the testicular epididymi is removed from each testes. The spermatic ducts along with the testicular blood vessels are also removed. Other remaining organs like; penis, urethra, prostate and other spermatic and testicular ducts/vessels are left intact. So basically, the reproductive mechanism that performs sperm production and secretion are removed.
Neutering in male cats helps them to adapt in the lovable family environment better. The prime reason for male cat neutering is to reduce the instances of various objectionable behaviours which are although considered normal in animals, but are termed unethical in human society.
Getting this process performed before the cat hits the puberty stage has many benefits. By doing so, its masculine features and sexual characteristics are not fully developed making the cat look more cute and homely.
Cat neutering is a simple process. After administering anaesthesia, the vet opens the scrotum of the cat through a minor incision in order to bring out the testicles. The cords are then tied using a small suture or can also be tied with each other so as to cut the testicles free. The incision that is made does not require any stitches.
Neutering requires very less recovery time. Generally, clinics discharge the pets the same day. No stitching or bleeding means that the pet is free to roam. Do not bathe your pet for a few days so as to give some time for the incisions to heal properly. Also, normal diet is suggested during the recovery period.We, at Mill Creek Veterinary Clinic, provide compassionate pet neutering services.